Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Circuit Court Clerk

About Perry County Circuit Court Clerk

Serving Perry County, IN.


2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

M - F (8am - 4pm)

Phone: 812-547-3741
Fax: 812-547-9782

Email: clerk@perrycounty.in.gov

Perry County

Circuit Court Clerk Services

  • Court Records
  • Permanent Records
  • Court Case Monies
  • Marriage Licenses
  • Elections
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Charlie Baumeister

Perry County Clerk


  • Administers the official court records of all court cases with jurisdiction in the county
  • Prepares the Court’s permanent historical records
  • Processes and issues documents for court cases
  • Collects, distributes, and reconciles monies related to court cases
  • Processes marriage applications, and issues marriage licenses
  • Registers all voters in the county
  • Administers all federal, state, county, municipal, and special elections for the county

What the Court Staff Can and Cannot Assist With Your Case

The Court, including the Judge, the Clerk, and all court staff, must remain impartial. This means that they cannot take sides in any matter coming before the court. They will give the same types of information to persons on both sides of a case, but they cannot provide legal advice. Information you provide to court staff is not confidential. Click here to find out what the court can and cannot provide to you.

Detailed Responsibilities

Article 6, Section 2, of the Indiana Constitution establishes the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The General Assembly, by statue, has assigned responsibility for many of the administrative functions of the county courts to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, which is sometimes referred to as the County Clerk. In addition, the General Assembly has assigned other non-court related governmental duties to the office of the Clerk. The following is a brief description of the functions of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Judicial Related Functions

  • The Clerk, or a deputy, shall keep a record of all judgments, orders and decrees for the court which serves as the historical record of the court’s verbatim orders.
  • The Clerk also must certify and attest to any court filed documents where a complete court record is required.
  • The Clerk maintains all records of pleadings, motions, papers, evidence and court rulings of the court.
  • The Clerk keeps on file a record of all foreign judgments against citizens of the county and from other states and counties.
  • The Clerk receives complaints and initial pleadings in matters brought before the court.
  • The Clerk receives payment of fines and money judgments levied by the court. In the case of a money judgment, the Clerk pays the money to the person or entity entitled to the judgment. This office also collects child support and assists in maintaining the records of the Indiana Child Support Enforcement System.
  • The Clerk collects court costs and fees in connection with court actions or other legal business and service of the court.
  • The Clerk prepares budget estimates for their offices, and in addition, may prepare budgets for the Voter Registration/Election department. They are submitted to the county council for review and approval.
  • The Clerk is also secretary to the County Commission on Public Record. This is governed under Indiana Code 5-15-5.
  • The Clerk is also responsible for microfilming court related records as required in Administrative Rule 7.

Election Related Functions

  • The Clerk serves as an ex-officio member and secretary of the county election board and as a member and clerk of the county board of canvassers.
  • These appointments must be made from each of the two major political parties and from nominations filed in writing by the county chairs of the two major parties.
  • The Clerk receives filings of candidacy from persons seeking certain elective public offices and issues certificates of election to successful local candidates except in the cases of constitutional officers, who receive their commissions from the Governor.
  • The County Clerk serves as the voter registration officer in all counties having a population of less than 125,000 persons that do not have a board of voter registration. Serving in this capacity, the Clerk has full charge and control of the process of registering voters in the county, including certification of deputy registration officers. Counties having a population of 125,000 or more must have a board that performs these functions. {IC 3-7-12-3}
  • As Voter Registration Official, the Clerk registers all voters within the county; maintains official records of voter registration and voter turnout histories; generates records for use by precinct election board members to verify registered voters to polling locations; instructs and gives credentials to outside registrars; notifies voters of precinct changes and provides certification for petition of candidates’ and independent political parties’ names to be on the ballot.
  • The Clerk, as a member of the Election Board, is responsible for preparing and proof reading the ballots, processes candidate declarations and campaign finance reports, trains and compensates precinct election day staff members; provides and allocates supplies and equipment for all precincts; redefines precinct boundary lines; demonstrates and instructs in the use of voting machines and verifies the accuracy and integrity of the voting machines and training poll workers before Election Day.
  • Secures voting precinct locations; complies with federal handicapped accessibility requirements (HAVA); recommends adjustments to facilities; and mediates any contracts.
  • The Clerk is in charge of the absentee voter board, which receives requests, determines voter’s eligibility and accepts applications; provides appropriate ballots to enable voting in federal, state, county, municipal, township, school board and special elections; conducts voting for confined voters at private homes, nursing homes and hospitals.
  • On Election Day, the Clerk and their staff provides assistance to poll workers, media and the general public.
  • The Clerk verifies absentee and write-in votes and prepares the certification of the official vote totals.

Other Administrative Functions

  • The Clerk processes marriage applications; issues marriage licenses and may also perform weddings.
  • The Clerk may administer oaths, including the oaths of office of county officials and new deputies.
  • Keeps records of all Breath Test Operator Certification and Recertification, all Certificate of Inspection and Compliance of Breath Test Instruments testing for intoxication, Conflict of Interest disclosures, and State Tax Warrants.
  • The Clerk is subject to regular audits by State Board of Accounts. Reports are filed with appropriate agencies including the Auditor, Treasurer, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Indiana State Child Support Division, State Treasurer, etc….

Register to Vote

The deadline to register to vote, or to transfer registration, for the Primary or General Election is the Monday four weeks prior to Election Day. Registration forms must be received in the Clerk’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on that Monday, and mailed forms must be postmarked by that day. Voters may register at the Clerk’s Office, at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or online at www.indianavoters.com.

Voting Absentee by Mail

Voters wishing to vote absentee by mail must submit an Application for Absentee Ballot in order to receive a ballot by mail. Requests must be received in the Clerk’s Office by the Monday one week prior to Election Day. The deadline to submit an Application for Absentee Ballot requesting to vote before the Travel Board is at Noon on the Monday before Election Day. Applications can be obtained from the Clerk’s Office or online at www.indianavoters.com.

All deadlines for voter registration and applications will be posted in the Perry County News along with voting hours and polling locations.

Voting Locations

AndersonDeer Creek Baptist Church
Cannelton 1
Cannelton 2
Cannelton Library
Clark 1
Clark 2
Bristow Community Center
County Garage
Tell City 1
Tell City 2
Tell City 3
Tell City 4Schergens Center
Tell City 5
Tell City 6
Tell City 7
Twilight Towers
Tell City 8Schergens Center
TobinEagle’s Bluff
TroyFire Station
Troy Township 1Hoosier Heights Country Club
Troy Township 24-H Fairgrounds

Making a Payment

The Clerk’s Office accepts cash, money order or local checks. You will need to have a Photo ID or Driver’s License with you.

There is also a separate website to pay traffic citations by credit card (effective July 18, 2016)

To pay in person, visit the Perry County Circuit Court Clerk’s office, 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Payments (no cash) may also be deposited in the payment drop box located in front of the Courthouse. Please include Cause number on check/money order and a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt mailed to you.

For more information, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 812-547-3741.

Child Support Division

The Perry County Clerk’s Office is responsible under Indiana law for collecting support payments ordered. The Perry County Prosecutor’s Office or private counsel may pursue enforcement of child support orders; this office receives, disburses, and accounts for the payments.

Important Account Information

Name, Address, and Social Security Number
The name, current address, and social security number of the payor and the recipient must be provided to the Perry County Clerk’s Office – Child Support Division in order to receive and disburse payment to the recipient. To report a change in address of either party, please submit a Name and Address Change Form to the Clerk’s Office. Having the correct information will ensure that payments are properly posted and disbursed to the recipient and that the payor continues to receive applicable mailings such as Docket Fee payment notices.

Payment Methods
We receive monies from “payors” through various means. Some are ordered to pay weekly, while others submit payments semi-monthly or even monthly.

Payment methods include cash payments, local checks, and money orders. Payment may also be made online to the state.

Child Support Payment Histories
Child support payment histories may be obtained by the parties at the Clerk’s Office by coming in person with a photo ID. Payors and recipients may also access the automated telephone system to verify recent payments, disbursements, and court order information by calling 1-800-840-8757.

Annual Docket Fees
Under Indiana Law IC 33-19-6-5, the payor is required to remit an annual docket fee of $55 to the Clerk before March 31st. This fee helps cover the cost of servicing the payment account. The docket fee cannot be deducted from a child support payment. Please designate the case number and write “docket fee” on your check.

Changes in Support Amount
Child support payment amounts may change due to Child Support guidelines or court orders. Please contact the Clerk’s Office to report any changes in support orders so that the money can be dispersed properly.

Requirements for obtaining a marriage license in Perry County

  • If both applicants reside in the state of Indiana and at least one of the applicants resides in Perry County, then a marriage license may be obtained in Perry County, and the marriage may take place in Perry County or anywhere within the state of Indiana.
  • If one of the applicants resides in Perry County and the other resides out of state, then they may obtain a license in Perry County as long as they plan on getting married in Perry County or anywhere within the state of Indiana.
  • If both applicants are from out of state but plan to get married in Perry County, then they must obtain a license in Perry County.
  • Both applicants must be at least 18 years of age. If not, one or both applicants must be 17 and parents or legal guardians are present to provide consent. One or both applicants younger than 17 must have a court order granting permission to obtain a marriage license.
  • Both applicants must show a valid driver’s license or original birth certificate.
  • Any applicant that was previously married must bring in the date of divorce decree from the last divorce. If widowed, applicant must know date of death.
  • Applicants will be asked their parents’ full names, including maiden names of their mothers.
  • Both applicants will be asked the states where they were born and the states where their parents were born.
  • Both applicants will be asked the addresses of any living parents.
  • Marriage license is valid for 60 days.
  • There is no waiting period.
  • Each application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applications will not be processed after 3:30 p.m. To shorten processing time, applications may be partially completed online.
  • The cost of the license is $25.00 if at least one person lives in the state of Indiana. If both people live outside of Indiana, the cost of the license is $65.00.


  • The limit for an individual to file a small claims form is $10,000, and the limit for a corporation to file is $1,500.

  • The fee is $97.00 for the first defendant and $10.00 for each additional defendant. There is a $28.00 fee assessed for sheriff services (if requested) on any Perry County serve and return.

  • If a corporation is filing a small claims and someone other than the president of the company will be speaking on behalf of the company, a Certificate of Designation must be on file for that person.

  • The claim must be filed in the county where the Plaintiff or Defendant lives, or the county where employed, or the county where the transaction took place.

  • In order to serve the defendant, a physical address must be provided. Without service, no judgment will be awarded.

  • To release a court ordered judgement after payment in full, complete the Release of Judgement form.


Petition BMV Certificate of Title

Certificate of Designation

Motion to Dismiss a Small Claims Case

Small Claims Complaint and Affidavit of Debt

Eviction Notice Form

Release of Judgement

The Indiana State Tax Warrants are downloaded to the Clerk’s Office computer system from the state level. The Clerk’s office has a public terminal that you can use to access these records. If you have any questions about the warrants, what is owed, or if not satisfied please call the Indiana Department of Revenue at 317-232-3484 or 812-479-9261 (Evansville District Office).

Representing yourself in a court matter?

If you are planning to represent yourself in a court matter, please use the links provided below:

Self-Service Legal Center

Indiana Legal Services

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  • 01. How do I contact the Auditor?

    More information goes here.

  • 02. What exactly does the Auditor do?

    More info goes here.

  • 03. What does the Auditor’s Office provide for the county?

    More info goes here.

  • 04. Complaint about road parking?

    Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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