Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Emergency Management Agency

About Perry County Emergency Management Agency

The mission of the Perry County Emergency Management Agency is to provide a comprehensive approach to managing emergencies and disasters within Perry County by providing clear direction in activities that will enable us to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from situations that threaten the lives of Perry County residents, their homes, and their communities.


3214 Tell Street #3 Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

M - F (7:30- 3:30)

Phone: 812-547-4426
Email: EMADirector@perrycounty.IN.gov

Perry County

Emergency Management Services

  • Emergency Management
  • Disaster Mitigation
  • Safeguard Citizens
  • CodeRED Warning
  • Storm Ready Community
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Steve Hauser

EMA Director

The mission of the Perry County Emergency Management Agency is to provide a comprehensive approach to managing emergencies and disasters within Perry County by providing clear direction in activities that will enable us to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from situations that threaten the lives of Perry County residents, their homes, and their communities.

Our appreciation goes out to all the emergency personnel who work hard to safeguard the lives of citizens in Perry County. To better serve our community, the Perry County Emergency Management Communications 9-1-1 System has recently updated its account with Emergency Communications Network, providers of the CodeRED high-speed notification solution and the CodeRED Weather Warning service. We are equally proud to be recognized by the National Weather Service as a Storm Ready Community.

Enhanced 911 Service

In October 1995, Perry County activated the county-wide Enhanced 911 service using existing address information. In an effort to improve Enhanced 911 service to all residents and property owners of Perry County, all new 911 addresses were issued in 2000 with the cooperation from the US Postal Service and County/City officials (Rural Route and Highway Contract addresses are no longer acceptable). If you receive your mail at a post office box, you may continue using this as your mailing address. However, you must use the E-911 address for any emergencies to aid in structure location. In all situations, your address must be visible from the road in front of your property. Some examples of proper display would be as follows:

          1. If you property has a mailbox in front of the structure, your address must be displayed with numbers and letters visible on both sides of the mailbox or,

          2.Your new box number must be displayed on your house so it can be visible from the roadway. If this is not possible, a sign should be displayed at the road or street leading to the property.

If you need to establish a physical address for new construction or property:

Within the city limits of Tell City, call 812-547-3411

Within the city limits of Cannelton, call 812-547-7919

Within the town of Troy, call 812-547-7501

Outside Tell City, Cannelton, or Troy, call 812-547-4426

or please call the Perry County Emergency Management Office at 812-547-4426 or e-mail information to EMADirector@perrycounty.IN.gov

Emergency Management Advisory Council

According to Indiana Code 10-14-3-17, there is established a Perry County Emergency Management Advisory Council, which consists of a maximum of 9 members, each appointed by the Board of Commissioners for 2-year terms.

The County Emergency Advisory Council shall do the following:

-Exercise general supervision and control over the Emergency Management and disaster program of the county.

-The County Emergency Management Advisory Council shall exercise general supervision and control over the Emergency Management and disaster program of the county and shall select or cause to be selected, a county Emergency Management Director, who shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the Emergency Management program in the county, shall be responsible to the chairman of the Emergency Management Advisory Council, and shall not hold any other local or state government office.

Meetings are held quarterly, beginning February, on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Central time in the EMA Office at the Courthouse.

Council members are Randy Cole, Corey Filley, Chris Cail, Smokey Graves, Dave Briggeman, Phil Schuetter, and Steve Howell.

Local Emergency Planning Committee

The purpose of the LEPC is to ensure compliance with Title III of the federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), also known as the “Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986”, and to do all necessary work required to develop a comprehensive chemical emergency response plan for the Perry County Community.

The State Emergency Response Commission approves the appointment of Committee members. The term of appointment of Committee members shall be for an indefinite period.

The Committee meets quarterly.

Committee members are Alan Malone, Sandy Jarboe, Greg Linne, Steve Hauser, Tara Lucas, Mack Cail, Cory Filley, John Scioldo, Brian Cassidy, Brian Steen, Joe Malone, and Leonard Hahus.

What we Serve

Awesome City Services

Perry County Auditor's Office

What do we do?

Taxes & Bills

Residential & Non-residential

Building Sanction

Procedure for building permission


Every work get avoided in certain

Vendor Registration

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Birth Cirtificate

Apply & Track birth registration

GIS Portal

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Taxes & Private

Information about registration ...

Death Certificate

Apply & Track death registration

Raise Complaints

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These are some of the questions that we receive everyday.

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  • 01. How do I contact the Auditor?

    More information goes here.

  • 02. What exactly does the Auditor do?

    More info goes here.

  • 03. What does the Auditor’s Office provide for the county?

    More info goes here.

  • 04. Complaint about road parking?

    Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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