Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Health Department

About Perry County Health Department

The mission of the Perry County Health Department (PCHD) is to promote wellness in the individual and the community and to inspire conditions by which people can remain healthy.


3214 Tell Street #1 Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

M - F (8am - 4pm)

Phone: 812-547-2746
Fax: 812-547-0415

Perry County

Health Department Board

  • Dr. Thomas Bailey
  • Cory Filley
  • Eric Dickenson
  • Kelly Conner
  • Dr. Adam Brockman
  • Illia Leibering
  • James Rogan
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Tara Lucas

Public Health Nurse Supervisor

Immunization Clinics

Please call 812-547-2746 to make an appointment.

Dr William Marcrum, Health Officer

Kim Robertson, Sanitarian,
Email: sanitarian@perrycounty.in.gov

Donille Knaebel, Registrar, Vital Records,
Email: registrar@perrycounty.in.gov 

Tara Lucas, Public Health Nurse Supervisor
Email: Nurse1@perrycounty.in.gov

Mallory Goffinet, R.N., Public Health Nurse
Email: Nursem@perrycounty.in.gov

Edwards, Immunization Billing and Coordination
Email: HealthAdmin@perrycounty.in.gov


The registrar is responsible for recording, issuing and forwarding information on births and deaths occuring in this county to the State Department of Health. Certificates issued at the time of birth at the hospital are not considered legal documents.

Our records start from 1882, but due to the 1937 Flood, Tell City records were destroyed. The registrar will assist you in obtaining the record from the State Department of Health.

Requesting Birth or Death Certificates

To request a birth or death certificate, please provide the necessary information listed on the application form.

Birth Certificate Application Form

Death Certificate Application Form

The registrar is state certified to correct a record. The fee for this service is $5.00 in addition to the certificate. Other services offered include Paternity Affidavits, for which $25.00 is charged plus one regular Birth Certificate at $10.00. Birth Certificates are $10.00 (single). Death Certificates are $10.00 and Genealogy is $25.00 per hour (1-hour minimum). Cash or money order only is accepted.

  • – Conducts investigations of environmental complaints and enforces public health and environmental laws.
  • -Performs site evaluations and consultations for on-site sewage disposal and other sanitary features.
  • -Issues septic permits and food permits for the County.
  • -Oversees all improvements or repairs to septic systems.
  • -Tests water supplies, private and public.
  • -Reviews plans for new and remodeled facilities concerning septic sewage disposal.
  • -Provides education to the public regarding health and sanitation, and promotes improvements in private and public sanitary facilities.
  • -Responds to environmental and sanitation problems created by man-made and natural disasters.
  • -Responds to environmental complaints.

Septic Permit Process

Below is a summary of Perry County’s Septic Permit process. Links are also provided to print the necessary forms

1 – Complete an application – Click here to print a copy of the application or contact the Sanitarian’s Office.

2 – Obtain a Soil Analysis – Contact a soil scientist to perform the soil analysis. Choose from the list of local soil scientists or from the Indiana Registry of Soil Scientists (see below). The soil analysis results will be sent to the Sanitarian for review and determination as to whether the soil is suitable for the septic system.

3 – Complete the design and installation packet and submit to Sanitarian  – This packet must be completed and submitted to the Sanitarian’s office and reviewed prior to the on-site visit. Click here to print a copy of the packet or contact the Sanitarian’s Office. It may take up to 45 days for the Sanitarian to review the packet.

4 – On-site visit by Sanitarian – The installer must be on-site at the time of this visit. The site should be laid out per the design plans.

5 – Septic Permit issued – Upon approval of the on-site visit, the Sanitarian will issue the Septic Permit to the applicant. The Permit is issued in the Sanitarian’s Office. The Permit fee is $100 payable by cash, check, or money order.

6 – On-site inspection by Sanitarian – The Sanitarian must inspect the Septic System before it is covered up. Please notify the Sanitarian at least 48 hours before the Septic System is covered.


Below is a list of local soil scientists and contact phone numbers:

Jack Coulter     812.525.1896

Rebecca Langford     812.425.1413

David Ralston     812.858.7003

Archie Sauerheber     812.267.2749

Indiana Registry of Soil Scientists



Design and Installation Packet


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  • 01. How do I contact the Auditor?

    More information goes here.

  • 02. What exactly does the Auditor do?

    More info goes here.

  • 03. What does the Auditor’s Office provide for the county?

    More info goes here.

  • 04. Complaint about road parking?

    Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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