Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Planning and Zoning

About Planning and Zoning Department

The Perry County Planning and Zoning Department issues improvement location permits, administers the provisions of the zoning regulations, and maintains a file of all improvement permits and applications.


2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

Please call for an appointment.

Perry County

Planning and Zoning Services

  • Improvement Location Permits
  • Zoning Codes
  • GIS Property Mapping
  • Property Tax Search
  • Building Permit Applications
  • Additional Helpful Information
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Mandy Jackson

Board President

The Perry County Planning and Zoning Department issues an Improvement Location Permit for a structure that is erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, converted, or enlarged. Permit Fees vary and construction must start within one year and completed within two years. Before a residential structure is permitted, a sewage disposal system must be approved by the Perry County Health Inspector.

An improvement location permit shall be obtained before any person may;
-occupy or use any vacant land,
-occupy or use any structure hereafter contrasted, reconstructed, moved, or enlarged,
– change the use of a structure or land to a different use, or
– change a nonconforming use.

The jurisdiction of the Perry County Plan Commission and Zoning Appeals is all unincorporated land within Perry County and is outside two miles from the corporate limits of a city or town (Cannelton, Tell City and Troy).

If you need a Building Permit, please select the Building Permit Application.

Plan Commission and Zoning Appeals meetings are held only when there is business to be conducted.

If you have questions about a floodplain, you may contact the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water: 877-928-3755 or email water_inquiry@dnr.IN.gov

When you are ready to submit an application for a Building Permit, be prepared to provide the following information:

– Complete copy of your application

– Dimensional floor plan of the proposed building

– Copy of the properties Water/Sewage Permit

A copy of the Water/Sewage Permit is only applicable in the event the proposed building requires such a permit. A Building Permit will not be issued until the issuance of a Water/Sewage Permit has been completed.

Submit Building Permit Application Online:

    Please ensure all required documents are submitted to prevent any delay in the issuance of the requested Building Permit.

      Building Permit Application
      New Single Family Dwelling, Addition, Renovation/Rehab, Accessory Structure
      Applicant/Owner Information




      Street Address:


      ZIP Code:


      Property Owner:





      ZIP Code:

      Project Information

      Is this property in a floodplain?:

      Utility Providers (electric, water, etc.):

      Contractor Information
      General Contractor:








      License #:

      Energy Rating Company:





      What Electrical Provisions Are Being Used?




      Square Footage of Project
      Basement (if applicable):

      1st Floor (excluding garages and covered porches/patios):

      2nd Floor (excluding covered porches and/or patios):


      Total SQFT of any covered porches, covered patios, and/or ANY deck 30” or more above adjacent grade:

      Total SQFT:

      No. of Bedrooms:

      No. Full Bath:

      No. Half Bath:

      Total No. Bathrooms:

      Est. Cost of Project:

      Please ensure all required documents are submitted to prevent any delay in the issuance of the requested Building Permit.

      Disclaimer and Signature:
      The plans furnished to the Perry County Planning Department are a basis which Perry County is entitled to act in issuing or revoking any permit or certificate of compliance. The plan(s) are incorporated, by reference, into this application. If there is any misrepresentation in this application or any associated documents, Perry County may revoke any permit or Certificate of Occupancy issued in reliance upon such representation. I agree to comply with all Perry County Ordinances, permit conditions, and State statues which regulate the building and construction, use, occupancy, and site development, and grant Perry County Officials the right to enter onto the property for the purpose of inspecting work related to this permit and/or posting any notices deemed necessary. I understand that, should I fail to have work ready for inspection and a re-inspection is deemed necessary, a re-inspection fee of $50 may be assessed. Furthermore, I understand that the 2005 Indiana Residential Code, as it pertains to energy efficiency (675 IAC 14-4.3 139.1), mandates a permanent certificate to be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel, and my failure to ensure that this posting is in place at time of final inspection of a new dwelling will result in an automatic failure of inspection and $50 re-inspection fee. Spec sheets for all engineered materials are required to be on site during times of construction for inspector reference. Failure to do so may result in a delay in your inspection process.

      As the applicant for a building permit, I understand that I am required to request all inspections before a building can be occupied. Under Perry County Zoning Ordinances, it is unlawful to occupy a building until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Perry County Planning Department There are no exceptions to this rule. Under the terms of the Ordinance, I have an obligation to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. I further acknowledge that I may be fined in accordance with Perry County Zoning Ordinances, in the event that I fail to comply with this requirement. I acknowledge that it is my obligation to inform the occupant of the structure if a Certification of Occupancy has not been issued, or if any outstanding code violations exist. I acknowledge my obligation to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy under Perry County Zoning
      Ordinance, and understand that I have an obligation to advise any potential occupant of my failure to have final inspection completed and/or have a Certificate of Occupancy issued.



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        Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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