Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Purdue Extension Office

About Perry County's Purdue Extension Office

Purdue Extension enhances Indiana communities by sharing research-based information and education from Purdue experts to meet the unique needs of each county in Indiana


65 Park Avenue, Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

M - F (8am - 4pm)

Phone: 812-547-7084
Fax: 812-547-0417
Email: mjaspers@purdue.edu

Perry County

Purdue Extension Office

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Megan Jaspersen

County Extension Director / Health and Human Sciences Educator

Office Staff


Megan Jaspersen, Health and Human Sciences Educator

Hannah Lasher, 4-H Youth Development Educator


Sara Dzimianski, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

Danica Williams, Nutrition Education Program Advisor

Erin Meyer, Community Wellness Coordinator

Rhonda Hauenstein, Administrative Assistant

Website:  https://extension.purdue.edu/Perry


Purdue Extension enhances Indiana communities by sharing research-based information and education from Purdue experts to meet the unique needs of each county in Indiana by strengthening future leaders, our agricultural industries, community and regional economies of all types, and the health and happiness of residents.

As a part of the Cooperative Extension Service, we’re funded by a partnership between federal, state, and county government and are a part of a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For over 100 years, we’ve shared solutions customized for local communities in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, community development, health and human sciences, and 4-H youth development.

Our volunteer-based organizations include 4-H, Purdue Master Gardeners, and Extension Homemakers. We offer educational programs for youth and adults, and provide support and training for our volunteers to enable them to extend services throughout the county.

Contact Purdue Extension office to learn more!

What we Serve

Awesome City Services

Perry County Auditor's Office

What do we do?

Taxes & Bills

Residential & Non-residential

Building Sanction

Procedure for building permission


Every work get avoided in certain

Vendor Registration

Start your business with register

Birth Cirtificate

Apply & Track birth registration

GIS Portal

Use the GIS map to view

Taxes & Private

Information about registration ...

Death Certificate

Apply & Track death registration

Raise Complaints

File grievances against department

Share Your Ideas to Help Our County's Future and Office.

We all have different interests, needs and hopes for our city future. What do you think?


Find FAQ’s
About Our Office

These are some of the questions that we receive everyday.

View All faq’s
  • 01. How do I contact the Auditor?

    More information goes here.

  • 02. What exactly does the Auditor do?

    More info goes here.

  • 03. What does the Auditor’s Office provide for the county?

    More info goes here.

  • 04. Complaint about road parking?

    Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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