Located at 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586
  • M-F: 8am - 4pm CST

Recorder’s Office

About Perry County Recorder's Office

The County Recorder's primary function is to maintain permanent public records submitted for recording.


2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586

Office Hours:

M - F (8am - 4pm)

Phone: 812-547-4261
Email: recorder@perrycounty.in.gov

Perry County

Recorder's Office

  • Maintain public and legal records
  • Index and archive documents for public
  • Property Fraud Alert
  • Honor Rewards
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Tracy Schroeder

Perry County Recorder

A Constitutional Office, the County Recorder’s primary function is to maintain permanent public records submitted for recording. These records are the legal basis for determining ownership of real property. These documents, sometimes called instruments, include mortgages, deeds, liens, military discharges, subdivision plats, leases, bonds, powers of attorney, releases, assignments, contracts, and many other miscellaneous documents.

Instruments are recorded either for giving legal public notice for their existence or for safekeeping and future reference. It is the duty of the recorder to see that each instrument meets the essential requirements for recording. Each instrument must be scanned and indexed into a computer system and then microfilmed for archival purposes.

The County Recorder prepares and furnishes official copies of any record or instruments when required by law or ordered by the court, or requested by any parties, and if requested, the recorder certifies that it is a true and correct copy of the document in the records of the office.

The County Recorder also files Uniform Commercial Code financing statements that pertain to fixtures to the real property.

The Recorder is a member of the County Commission on Public Records, which has authority over the preservation or disposition of all public records maintained by the county. (IC 5-15-6)

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Perry County Recorder’s Office to record documents in a timely  manner and with great accuracy along with providing excellent customer service.


MORTGAGES – $55.00
(Includes rerecorded and subordinate mortgages, supplemental indentures)

Each additional page exceeding 8 W’ x 14″ within any document – $5.00

With one first-class mailing – $25.00
Each additional mailing – $2.00

Includes the first cross reference, each additional cross reference – $7 .00
(Assignments of Oil and Gas only)

Copies 11” x 17″ or smaller, per page – $1.00
Copies larger than 11″ x 17″, per page – $5.00

Document – $5.00

A self-addressed stamped envelope sufficient to hold your documents must be supplied for the return of documents.

Recording Requirements

  • -Name of person who prepared document (IC 36-2-11-15)
  • -Document requires a 2″ margin at the top and bottom of first page and last page, 1/2” margin on each side, & 1/2” margins at the top & bottom of additional pages(IC 36-2-11-16.5)
  • -Notary documents require county of residence, seal, commission expiration date, and printed name under signature {IC 33-42-9-12)
  • -Must have at least a 10 point font (IC 32-2-11-16.5)
  • -Names must be printed below all signatures and name of each person executing document must match identically in body of document (IC 36-2-11-16)
  • -Affirmation statement required on all documents notarized in Indiana (IC 36-2-11-15)
    “I affirm, under the penalties of perjurythat I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law”
    Printed Name________________________________________
  • -Grantees physical address is required on all conveyances of real property.(IC 32-21-2-3)
  • -Auditor endorsement required on real estate transfers (IC 36-2-11-14)


  • -Records Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Releases, Real Estate Contracts, Power of AttorneysPlanned Developments, PlatsSurveysAffidavits, Articles of Incorporation, Bonds, Federal Tax Liens, Mechanic Liens, Sewer Liens, Assumed Business Namesand other Miscellaneous documents submitted for recording, providing it meets essential requirements (see above)
  • -Files Uniform Commercial Code instruments
  • -Provides copies and certified copies of documents upon request(Fee charged)
  • -Military Discharges (NO CHARGE)


Search Records Online

Perry County Recorder Remote Access
Search County Land Records 24 Hours a Day

Click here for :  How to SEARCH documents on a computer that have been SCANNED, BACK INDEXED, AUDITED/VERIFIED or HAVE ONLY BEEN SCANNED from Recorder’s Books

FOR OCCASIONAL USERS (pay-as-you-go): Tapestry  https://www.landrecords.net

All you need is a web browser for 24/7 access to Perry County land records. Tapestry’s pay-as-you-go method offers flexible payment terms. Occasional users can enter a credit card into Tapestry’s secure site or if you anticipate using Tapestry on a frequent basis, sign up as a member and enjoy membership benefits including account payment terms and expanded search capabilities.

Tapestry Cost Breakdown:
Index/Image Search – $8.75 per search
Beginning/Ending Date
Consideration amount
Legal Description – Subdivision, Metes & Bounds
Document Search Types

Print Copies – $1.00 per page
Viewing images is included in the per search fee

Flexible Payment Options:
Pay-as-you-go with a credit card – Visa & MasterCard accepted
Open Account Payment Plan – $25 minimum per quarter

Grantor/Grantee searches will produce the best results, as it is the only field that is definitely indexed for each document.

FOR EVERYDAY USERS (monthly subscription): Laredo  https://www.fidlar.com

Laredo is designed for users who consistently search in a single county. Perry County’s 24/7 access to the county’s land records allows you to obtain information faster and more efficiently.

Same user interface that is used on the courthouse workstations
Real time, 24 x 7 access
Customizable results screens
Subscription based

Cost Breakdown:

Per-Minute Plan Charges

PlanChargeOverage **
0 – 250 minutes$60/mo$0.20 per minute overage
251 – 1000 minutes$120/mo$0.15 per minute overage
1001 – 3000 minutes$220/mo$0.12 per minute overage

** Per minute charge for each minute over the signed-up plan

To Sign Up:
To become a Laredo Subscriber, please contact the Perry County Recorder’s Office at 812-547-4261.

To Search:
Once you have signed up and have been issued a username and password, log onto https://www.fidlar.com, then click on the “Products” menu and choose the “Laredo” link to download. Ready, Set, Search!

For More Information:
Contact Fidlar Technologies, ph# 800-747-4600
Perry County Recorder’s Office, ph# 812-547-4261

Property Fraud Alert:
Stay a Step Ahead of a Growing Problem 

According to the FBI, Property and Mortgage fraud is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the United States. Unfortunately, it has become all too easy for a criminal to record a fraudulent deed, making it appear as if they own your home. Once this step is complete, they can use your home as collateral on a mortgage or even attempt to sell your home to an unsuspecting buyer.

Although this type of crime is rare in Indiana, it is on the rise nationwide. The Perry County Recorder’s Office has taken a proactive step to provide you with one tool for staying ahead of criminals who prey on property owners.

Property Fraud Alert is an internet-based system that automatically alerts you via email or phone, each time a document that includes your name is recorded in the Perry County (Indiana) Recorder’s Office.*

Here is the best part…
The service is free. No strings attached.

>>More information and to sign up

* Court judgments, state tax liens, bankruptcies and other documents NOT filed in the Perry County Recorder’s Office are NOT monitored by Property Fraud Alert.

Honors Rewards for Perry County Veterans

Honors RewardsA free service that entitles our veterans discounts and incentives at local businesses

The Perry County Recorder’s Office, in partnership with Fidlar Technologies, is excited to announce a new service for our Veterans, known as, Honor Rewards.  With Honor Rewards, Veterans can sign-up at our office or online to receive an Honor Rewards card, which qualifies them for discounts and incentives at participating businesses in our community.  This service is being made available at no cost to the county and its taxpayers.

To sign up, all a veteran needs to do is visit www.honorrewards.com, click on Perry County, IN and fill out the form with details on when they served and with what branch of the armed forces. If an individual prefers to fill out the form with us instead of online, they can visit our office during business hours and we will help them get signed up.  A DD-214 Military Discharge is required to be recorded in order to verify Veterans eligibility.  The service is completely free and after signing up the veteran can expect to receive their Honor Rewards ID card in the mail in 1-2 weeks.

Local businesses and retailers can participate in the service by contacting our office or using the Business Sign-Up link on www.honorrewards.com.

By participating, their business name will be listed on the Honor Rewards website for Perry County, provided to Veterans who receive an Honor Rewards card, and also be regularly mentioned in email blasts to current Honor Rewards members.  In addition, we will provide participating businesses with promotional materials like door stickers and flyers to promote their involvement.

For more information, contact us at 812-547-4261 or visit www.honorrewards.com.


What is eRecording?

Electronic Document Recording (eRecording) is the secure process of electronically submitting documents to the Perry County Recorder’s Office for recording.  By eliminating the need to physically mail or deliver documents in person, the cost, security, efficiency and gap time is greatly improved.  The actual recording of the document is still completed by the recorder in our software system.

Why Start eRecording?

  • Allows your company to submit documents instantly for recording
  • Shortens the time frame from receipt to return of document, from 3-5 working days to within almost minutes up to an hour of the initial submission
  • Documents are recorded in minutes
  • Rejected documents are received and re-submitted in a fraction of the time
  • Easy to track documents
  • Reduces the cost for postage and transportation
  • Eliminates check writing expenses for recordings
  • Your electronic documents are returned instantly
  • Reduces paper shuffling
  • Increase effectiveness and efficiency

All you need is a PC, scanner, and high-speed Internet access.

Who To Contact?

The Recorder’s Office has partnered with the following companies to accept electronic submissions and you may contact them through a phone call or email:

For More Information:

Contact Fidlar Technologies, phone 800-747-4600
Perry County Recorder’s Office, phone 812-547-4261

What we Serve

Awesome City Services

Perry County Auditor's Office

What do we do?

Taxes & Bills

Residential & Non-residential

Building Sanction

Procedure for building permission


Every work get avoided in certain

Vendor Registration

Start your business with register

Birth Cirtificate

Apply & Track birth registration

GIS Portal

Use the GIS map to view

Taxes & Private

Information about registration ...

Death Certificate

Apply & Track death registration

Raise Complaints

File grievances against department

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Find FAQ’s
About Our Office

These are some of the questions that we receive everyday.

View All faq’s
  • 01. How do I contact the Auditor?

    More information goes here.

  • 02. What exactly does the Auditor do?

    More info goes here.

  • 03. What does the Auditor’s Office provide for the county?

    More info goes here.

  • 04. Complaint about road parking?

    Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain ...

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